Anon 01/17/2019 (Thu) 22:58:57 No.3256 del
>Well, best of luck to You in that case!
yeah thanks. There are still a couple left to do but I considered it the most important one to do. It´s a matter of time and crossing fingers.

>And that's a good thing!
I am not having my most existential day on earth but I would try to explain why monotony doesn´t bring a good sign to a young person.
if it´s already boring now, I wonder how tired you can get over the following years. Part of the life cycle but monotony only drives you to a numb state in which time runs faster.
The only advantage of dealing with monotony in the long run is by knowing how it works and use it for convenient things at certain times in order to predict what happen should happen next.

>I have noticed is that talking one on one in the absence of crowd and trying to prove just a single point over a complete repudiation of someone's ideology works pretty well.
the face to face technique without anyone behind works for a lot of things.....even for friendships, contrary to what most people believe.

>Let yourself get a feel for the year and get adjusted if that's possible It's not like there is a rush.

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