Anon 02/02/2019 (Sat) 00:04:30 No.3352 del
>with the right reactions I've been seeing around it it isn't simply perfect for trolling.
huh interesting.

>Saddle Arabia doesn't know how to meme.
a place where it doesn´t allow memes nor fun because of an ancient explanation of just sad. Oh well, too bad for them.

>If we weren't a little open minded how we'd be here in the first place.
I would prefer not to think about that situation. A short answer would be like this:
Faggot 1: "I don´t like this. Fuck you."
Faggot 2: " Fuck you too for hating on my precious picture"

Discussion happens, everyone leaves this board and....the kirins throw us into the stream of silence in the end.

>even if I'm not the biggest fan of anthro I won't just blindly hate it.
Well, there are pictures and pictures....and they still come from Deviantart. I think that either the internet has normalized them too much or that the artists have found a way to draw them with more "consistency" (to put describe it in some way).

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