Anon 02/03/2019 (Sun) 22:51:57 No.3368 del
(228.96 KB 1400x1167 117448 bronibooru.jpg)
>Pretty sure I recall seeing a couple of other versions of it.
most likely there are a few out there. I only cared about reading that line when someone posted it far and between the posts. I have not thought about it nor cared until now.

>Sometimes they can be pretty particular and would probably consider 4chan/a/ cucked and mainstream at the very least.
the good old contrarian mindset of: "too popular for me, it´s not cool anymore". That could be a theoretical explanation why they are here posting....until this site becomes popular for some reason and the cycle gets repeated all over again.

>only for retaliatory purposes have I truly considered it.
yeah, except for that reason (a shitposting war),there´s no reason to get the hooves dirty, darling.
Besides, ponies´existence, by themselves, they trigger enough to the public or cause a few funny reactions when no one asks for them in a thread completely unrelated to them.

>I do wonder how we get second place sometimes when I'm pretty sure /kc/ and /AM/ have more than 3 regulars and a lot more posts, even if we usually have a almost daily rhythm.
for /kc/ I could understand but /AM/ is not active at times as you might think. I think that the main reason one can get bigger number in the list is, different IPs aside, posting in different threads. Having said this, I am not 100% confident of this statement either but just an observation that could justify the system.

>Really? So you have finally joined the elite PC users
what´s even funnier is that I have 4G on my mobile and it works faster than my router and that I have typed the entire Midnight Radiance story on bed.....

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