Anon 02/04/2019 (Mon) 00:24:18 No.3373 del
>the is more of something that is something that was always in th background but never paid attention back in early fandom days but it's kind of nice to see her around. Feels like old times continuing partly in some way.
yeah. If only mods didn´t ban all the time old shitposts, we would get a warmer feeling about those old times. I highly doubt it has contributed more than threads with the initial hype and page 10 after a few hours.

>You win from playing in th background and recognizing the value of what you can do with limited resources, even if the victory is not big is what I would say.
indeed, the victory doesn´t feel that delicious. The biggest advantage is that by no playing, you don´t have any kind of responsibility and you wouldn´t enter into a huge mess. However, part of the fun by sharing a bit about you and make the others feel in company, especially when this is a community in the end.

Even with limited resources, you can make big miracles. It´s not about mediums but having ideas and desire them in some way.

>Never once touched that game but this makes me laugh irl.
I have never played it either but seen it on Youtube. The creator has made that and the Beginner´s Guide. Both games are not games by a conventional definition but more like audiovisual experiences that exploit the meta narrative. Very recommended to give them a watch and how a narrator can influence over the protagonist and break the 4th wall all the time. In fact, in less than 90 minutes, you can watch all the possible paths of that game.

I linked that clip because you win and see the end credits when the character stands still in front of the two doors and the narrator confesses that he cannot do anything if Stanley doesn´t move. I posted the broom closet because despite knowing that one player may not win, there can be some laughs and little moments that make the ride worth it. The broom closet ending is still my favorite ending...I hope you don´t find this concerning

indeed and I thought for a while that John de Lancie voiced for this game but he didn´t. When the narrator changes to an ironic tone, the voice instantly reminds me of him.

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