Anon 02/05/2019 (Tue) 01:12:37 No.3389 del
Also on that note, when I was searching for national OC images I think it's a damn shame we never got to have a singular country OC like literally every other country does. And boy, isn't that ironic yet again. this thing made me wonder.
The cap says
>I mean, no one else has this.
>No uniforms, nothing related to military. No coat of arms or flag for a Cutie Mark.
>A neat name that in some way associates with the country
After some thought, this indeed seems to be true. No other country is so eager to include military or paramilitary symbolism into their national OC maybe besides some meme OCs like North Korea that weren't created by North Korean anyway, or USSR that doesn't exist anymore and no nation is this obsessed about patriotism.
I guess matyrdom really runs that deep in the mentality, huh. I mean, I'm guilty myself too even by making this very post

>I like Poland, there home made war equipment is so underrated
>first though is of relation to military
case in point.