Anon 02/07/2019 (Thu) 02:29:47 No.3402 del
>yeah. If only mods didn´t ban all the time old shitposts, we would get a warmer feeling about those old times. I highly doubt it has contributed more than threads with the initial hype and page 10 after a few hours.

>Even with limited resources, you can make big miracles. It´s not about mediums but having ideas and desire them in some way.
Exactly, and when several choose to act whith in there capacity it can go somewhere. There is this one certain fandom that I think we are all familiar with.

> indeed and I thought for a while that John de Lancie voiced for this game but he didn´t. When the narrator changes to an ironic tone, the voice instantly reminds me of him.
Though it didn't strike me right off I certainly can see Q/Discord in that voice.

>The broom closet ending is still my favorite ending...I hope you don´t find this concerning
>I am not used to acting as a hot stuff and in contrast, there have been people encouraging me to gain more confidence.
You could have higher aspirations than sitting in a broom closet all your life. Don't be Ultra Fast Pony tier. Though, tbh, some of what you describe could be me, if not now than two or three years ago.