Anon 02/07/2019 (Thu) 23:25:12 No.3412 del
>It took me 8 HOURS to compile the program and tripcode generation literally took seconds, isn't that ironic
all the effort that could have been avoided by checking if endchan supported those tripcodes in a matter of seconds/minutes...

>It takes a lot of value out of the joke. Eh, but I got the lesson to check things in proper order.
>8 hours [Embed]

>I was searching for national OC images I think it's a damn shame we never got to have a singular country OC like literally every other country does. And boy, isn't that ironic yet again.
don´t think that for Spain we are rich of those images (mostly because the following is pretty poor in comparison, I feel like I am one of those rare exceptions) and I feel like the national ponies thing consists about a handful of them that appear all the time.

Fortunately, I have found about an OC of the capital city. So hey, I suppose that balances the scarcity a bit.

>I guess matyrdom really runs that deep in the mentality, huh. I mean, I'm guilty myself too even by making this very post
if that´s a "flaw", eh it could be worse.

>If any of you posts from mobile internet, you may have your answer here. I've seen from experience that IP could change so quick that it could even change mid session (when you're logged in somewhere, that is)

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