Anon 02/08/2019 (Fri) 00:47:17 No.3415 del
>I can understand those for feel degradation compared to older days when it comes to things being over marketed and formulas being repeated over and over, but again, I haven't watched much anime from this era at all.
do you think I am an expert about it? I may seem like one but I am only judging the patterns that they give to outsiders and about the thoughts of that post. I have heard praise from a friend of mine about the Monogatari series or Fate but that´s it. The closest recent anime I have watched during this decade has been a couple of clips of DB Super. There it goes my knowledge about it.

>There was even some who questioned it surviving in 2012 and 2013 was.
actually, /mlp/ posts a few screencaps from the early days and one of them showed the fear from users about going downhill and ending soon. Scaremongering at its finest like this fandom has always done so well.

>then there is disputes that have much deeper roots than understood by our leaders (well, most of them), and the fact what factions do exist often are just melted together on to this vague catch all "guy with a bomb" when some are a lot more subtle than that and some hate each other more than even the west
won´t touch the political topic further but I quote this because it´s true.

>now I'm still on a mostly political break right now.
yeah. Politics has been so discussed between these posts that it serves more as an excuse to introduce a topic rather than straight propaganda anyway.
It feels more like: "Oh yeah, that topic again. Here we go" than anything else.

>I honestly wonder if you had swapped out Shantae with a male character it might have not had the cult following it did.
I haven´t seen many husbando groups out there, aren´t they? You know, chan mentality works like that (waifufags mostly). Put them big tits, a couple of suggestive pictures for the OP about that character, discuss, circlejerk and "dream" about her all the time, gets a free pass.....???, profit and repeat the cycle all over again when the next thread happens.

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