Anon 02/08/2019 (Fri) 01:05:56 No.3416 del
>There is this one certain fandom that I think we are all familiar with.
besides this one, which one are you subtly pointing out?

>it didn't strike me right off I certainly can see Q/Discord in that voice.
yeah. However, when you play further that that part, you can see how the narrator messes with your mind and the closest thing to compare with that game is the labyrinth from Return of Harmony. Only when he gets sarcastic or gets disappointed/sad for your choices, he kind of shares the attitude you would expect from a John De Lancie character.

there are people who are concerned about others who find this concerning.

>You could have higher aspirations than sitting in a broom closet all your life. Don't be Ultra Fast Pony tier.
the broom closet represents more like an unexpected turn of the events that wasn´t planned. I am not saying that all my decisions have to be made in a basement, just that when everything feels mechanical, predictable and scripted; there are a few possible twists that fill the ride more than not playing at all.

I feel Ultra Fast because I feel that time of full liberty is running out. If anything, it´s a complaint that while embracing it, one would desire to have enjoyed it better. Then you realize you couldn´t do much beyond surviving and living the usual routine....but as a faggot, one repeats that lack of impotence over and over.

Anyway, I am finishing the replies for today. Good night, /endpone/.