Anon 04/17/2019 (Wed) 00:38:51 No.3981 del
>It is interesting for me to have a more mixed negative reaction to it yet not being quite off in some observations from each other.
what a boring life would be if these things didn´t happen. I suppose if I started to act with fanatic thoughts, it wouldn´t drive you to think the same way. That means at least, that we have watched the same material...

>Purely mechanical.

>If they do have some explanation later that isn't an excuse I'd be just fine.
yeah but they don´t seem to show it (yet? IDK) so we are left with that question unanswered.

>now am wondering if the special maybe a top 10 favorite with how discord was handled.
for a premiere this late in the irde, that´s quite an achievement on its part.

>A family member has this as one of his favorites.
considering that there are so many cheesy pop songs that say nothing, I understand why he puts it in a high regard...

>I can see why you invoked it for the difference in reaction with the rest of the fandom.

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