Anon 01/09/2018 (Tue) 00:28:45 No.429 del
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>And it's all tied with the disappearance of pseudonymity and anonymity. People are all about "selling yourself" to the public, basically a PR.

This is a much better way to word it. People are basically concerned with trying to fit in all the time now for social survival. Granted, it's not always to such a degree, and not all social circles in social media have a dynamic like that, but most I usually see have it. Even if just a little. Verious people I've talked to seem to just agonize over little things now, tinyest grammer details and whatnot, fearfull of looking bad to somebody.

It ia espicially sad to see them drop a part of themselves to fit in.

>I can tell you for once, that I sure have weird tendency to soak up traits of writing/conversation style of people that I talk with for extended periods of time.

I've noticed that to an extend in myself too.

>Chans, especially the slower or smaller ones provide much greater straightforwardness, and I'd wager such threads as this rarely happen on the so called social media.

This. I know some chans can develop circle jerks over things that prevent honest discussion, but on social media its always ten times worse and can be accompanied with a risk of actual social repercussions IRL. and I suppose sometimes worse

>When one comes as a clean person is when you get tired of everything or just don't want to roleplay there. Sincerity only comes in a private understanding and I guess, that's the new punk movement: finding ourselves.

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