Anon 09/11/2019 (Wed) 02:00:42 No.4564 del
>This aspect is minor but I ´ve got to mention how the writers are playing with the shipping names over the course of this episode when they paired the characters for the contest (Appledash, Twipie, Twiburst). This might lead to a shipper go absolutely crazy that the writers have played with their desires and have used the fan names without going into the route shippers had wanted in the first place.
This is the second time they name dropped Apple Dash, going the complete opposite of EqD with Rarity Dash. >>4187
I know there has been shipping drama over that end (as I mentioned, tumblr) Here I think the real drama will unfold if they make any of the ships canon in FiM. I should be keeping better track of the shippers but right now I'm trying to avoid the spoilers of course.

>do you remember that CNN article about her involved in the US politics?
Yes. One of the few times I mentioned MLP at all IRL with my family

>I don´t recall any situation of her being out of character. Maybe boring at times and somewhat predictable because of her gain of confidence over the years but I don´t remember anything really atrocious that contradicts her personality. This episode actually went back to those old times when her insanity invaded her even though she has taken control over it and has kept the basic manners.
You're probably right but I was just somewhat unsure if it b fair to consider her a bit too insane and jerkish. Not something that bugged me personally but I was thinking of consistency and just thinking back to the last 4 seasons or so.

>There is not much to extract nor squeeze out of this episode honestly.
Pretty much this. This episode was just a regular old episode of MLP.

>Anyway, you are going to find more development from her pretty soon but this serves as a reminder that her moral principles haven´t changed all that much. Nerdy as ever, classic Twilight always tries to be the best at what she does (even if she has won three times in a row).
I saw it today. Gonna watch again tomorrow and get my thoughts from there. Though my initial impression:

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