Anon 12/04/2019 (Wed) 00:46:08 No.5145 del
>If it had been still done subtly like a few more mentor moments and perhaps a storyline where she disagreed with Celestia in something strongly and you could have had a more reasonable set up why Celestia thought that way.
I mean yeah, that could work...if it weren´t by the fact that Twilight takes a lot of care before disagreeing with Celestia. The effort wouldn´t consist in the disagreement but setting the proper situation for implementing it.

>Though better yet they could have tried to just connect to the moments where TS did show leadership and just not have it been in a few days as for a full transition of power as there initial plan.
yeah, I think that we share the idea of reinforcing her transition with more arguments to back it up instead of getting a few first minutes of the premiere with that twist from the moment it begins.

>If they had introduced this stronger and had more stuff on the changelings than perhaps I would've liked her better
you, me and basically the fanbase would have found arguments and unique traits about her if that introduction had happened. The opinions could vary but at least, Ocellus wouldn´t have fallen into indifference.

>It also could be the friendship school (or both).
oh...yeah, I didn´t think about it in that way. It´s no wonder that Ocellus would transform into her teacher because of the valuable lessons. You have nailed it here.

>maybe the comics will still surprise me.
>The consistence of his ponies is why above average of these comics.
>it's good to thrown some positive vibes. Even if you don't like the student 6, there was still more effort than this needed to have and it at least brings a bit to the table with character development.
I see that you notice where I was going for with this comic. In terms of writing, it comes close to the feeling that the show brought and no character acts out of character and in terms of art skills, the effort was indeed way too much for what it delivered, because there aren´t any action scenes nor diverse backgrounds or places for this story (and you aren´t the first one I´ve seen that has said this same statement)

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