Anon 02/15/2020 (Sat) 23:53:38 No.5416 del
This fic has been written around late January and early February, I´ve had it prepared for a couple of weeks. It has 12 episodes, around 13k words and the main cast will consist in 5 characters:

Character 1
Character 2
Character 4
Character 5

Those are the colors exposed in the test thread and one of those 5 will be the narrator for all the actions that will happen throughout the story. So yes, there will be a 1st person narrative like I have traditionally written in the past.

The title is >>5391 and it could have several interpretations that could explain the main purpose or backstory for this fic.

And...I don´t know what else I can say until I post it. This has been written after having watched all the episodes and completely fresh from 2020 despite its looks.

My last question before revealing it is this one: what has lead me to get inspiration from what I did in the past in this place?

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