Anon 03/29/2020 (Sun) 23:34:43 No.5633 del
>This is me often.
well, I am not alone at this and it comforts me hearing that.

>spoiler text
being busy in these circumstances is quite an achievement. There are people who have actually entered into a depressive state because they are so used to going outside and working that they don´t have any hobbies or simply don´t know what to do.

>My mind can just spin at times. Sometimes one almost falls asleep and then has to write down an idea/theory/observation and you are reminding of these moments right now.
that happened to me as well when I wrote the first greens on the bed (yes, the Midnight Radiance one was entirely written on mobile while staying on my bed and with the sunrise in the middle of the story) but I thought that after gaining confidence here, I wouldn´t imagine that this would happen again. Fortunately, it dealt with MLP stuff so on the bright side, it was nothing related to IRL things that could affect me.

But it happened and oh boy, it was a discovery (except for those who are artists and dedicated to arts).

>try to keep track of small details and background events.
I knew that some backgrounds were repetitive (like the houses) or even the ponies (reusing assets as you say in the following post) get copy-pasted for filling the crowds, especially in the early seasons with for example, the recolors of Lyra with the same mane and tail.

Even though that was quite noticeable for anyone who bothered to check a bit the background scenery, one would notice the repeated patterns/ponies (and they improved that aspect over time) but I wasn´t aiming completely at that part.