>>5675 >For I think I have a pretty novel theory that is actually possible. so you wanted that I checked this out first (I replied to the /go/ replies instead).
However, let´s put the thinking cap on and dive through your theory. Impress me and let´s look at:
>>5676 >That Celestia planed power ponies! Does that sound crazy? WHAT THE...? My eyes have blinked more than usual after reading this. So this sums up your theory but what are your arguments for it?
>"Well, you're welcome to stay if need be. Spike is away in Canterlot on royal business. I'm home all alone tonight." that deep into the script for a season 1 episode that didn´t have lore all that much established. This is Twilight´s Seven tier (which by the way, if Luna was present, it could have explained its connections with Luna for season 9).
Wow, you have looked all that far into the lines when authors didn´t imagine to go into that route. Even if the theory turns out to sound ridiculous, I have to cherish that merit to look at the script with a magnifying glass.