April Fools! 04/04/2020 (Sat) 17:23:17 No.5693 del
>I downloaded from pbooru and seeing what can be "saved" by edits. Let's start with this legoman Rainbow Dash cosplayer. Can I save him? Can I make him more appealing to the eye?
definitely Ponibooru stuff doesn´t particularly encourage me to do anything. I still have visions of those "jewels" published in the /go/ thread. *shivers

Anyway, let´s see what we can pull from there in this thread:

>The lines are too thin and the colors too flat with no shading for any cool bumps or 3dish effects. It's only a minor upgrade at best.
at least it hides the color combinations and adds a little bit of depth to the picture but it´s diminished by the lack of shadows.

>I tried adding some noise. It looks like it could work as part of something else distorted but on it's own it just feels like an unfinished element to something.
I don´t usually use the noise effect mostly because it works on very specific cases and here, it doesn´t seem to correspond with the material given.

>Lines are too thin to have fun with a lot of filters, like neon for example.
doesn´t your program have an option to corrode or dilute the lines or contours? I know about one that does that function.

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