Anon 01/27/2018 (Sat) 00:53:45 No.570 del
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>Most things you find are either Tumblr tier emo or mainstream media saying "dark is more realistic" then having the most flimsy arbitrary logic where everything is sad just because sad, or everyone has black and gray morality yet it's only an excuse to have an edgy main characher, etc.
Pretty much the 2000s emo scene and social media cliches have ruined the aspect of it. Everybody despises the fact that your OC is red and black. I like the grey morality though but if that´s used as an excuse....then that´s the sad thing more than anything else.

>I especially like a dark when it isn't coupled with creepy gorefests or outright sob stories like most media take dark to mean nowadays.
The most related thing from mainstream media I can relate or find some inspiration is Robert Smith because he puts his life into existential themes while going through cold passages and psychodelic metaphors of sadness. The excessive and distorted view from Hollywood is just basically tiresome and pretty old news to me...except the ambients and the cold colours. I have always liked the typical grey forests or isolated places.
> I like it for emample having the arrogant young protagonist actually fail at their goals. Or gets proven wrong by the elder charachers
simply frustrations or just commiting mistakes and learning by experience. Just that the protagonist feels wrong and doesn´t know how to put the correct answer to his own problems.

>I certainly see dark themes as an expression over a cryfest. At least that is my thoughts on betrayals.
Darkness is usually the place to sum the sad thoughts about life.However, most don´t realize that the sadfest could actually come from the light territory. Seen as something good from the general perspective yet, the usual things that we do can actually make us sad. Every day life could (and actually does) offer more problems that make us cry than what it´s considered dark.
Darkness puts you tense, a little bit uncomfortable, uncertain about X existence, pessimistic or dicordant views about´s a medium and it´s not always supposed to be commercial, yet, its commercialism doesn´t have to be limited to teens in their deppresive phase.

>A lot of the things that I enjoy I consider stupid or inane. Recently I've been a bit more happy and positive, but a lot of what you say does resonate with me.

One of a million cases out there. Just happens that this is what an outcast feels without spending time on social media giving likes and watching random videos on Facebook constantly or taking selfies on Insta.

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