Anon 05/06/2020 (Wed) 21:47:01 No.5901 del
>"When in Rome, do as the Roman do".
well, environment kind of influence a lot the mindset of those people who set the group. Just watch out who you take as a reference to follow though.

Although I could explain why this format of posting has gained so much prominence

>It's free and low end enough for anyone to pickup and play on multiple platforms.
I´ll have to see how it goes.

>Though I like that the BO is open to new contributions this place does have a somewhat comfy charm the way it is.
I wonder if one of your ideas is the cyberpunk scene because it´s not the first time that I see a reference of Serial Experiments Lain and reading a little bit those PDFs, you are delivering a few hints where you are aiming for (creatively speaking).