Anon 05/09/2020 (Sat) 02:37:00 No.5936 del
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>I think it's a "man vs. nature" tale about extreme isolationism, but sometimes I can't tell. It was meant to be a little creepy but I see its more like my dreams. We can see Coal is creeped out, but can't feel that ourselves.
if we connect what you have said just here with your backstory in real life,something is telling me that you were writing to express your emotions subtly with the theme of isolation.

Before answering Bridgefag's question about writing with the emotions,I think I have found right here one of the reasons why you don't have the objectives clear except for exposing a theme that has marked your life for a good period.

Also,this fic was written in 2016 and considering that you were writing with the method of dreams,maybe you could change the perspective or narrative towards what you have created and readapt to something more convenient for you.

Maybe it's not the dreams that you have to imagine but the logic of the story that you have built up in the past. Like for example,the griffon George that you liked to write in the end. Think more about his intended purpose and what to do with him, a path for new possibilities instead of seeing him as an obstacle that ends up nowhere.

I know that these are amateur and basic observations towards the fic (and I feel bad about being ignorant about the lore of this setting)but considering that you have felt the writer's block,the HUGE amount of self--criticism towards your own plot holes to the point of obsession(in caps by the way), the problem of clearing up those subtleties along the story and also the method that you use for each scene...

I know that you don't want to follow the fixfic path this era of remakes like Final Fantasy VII and readaptions,something tells me that this wouldn't be a bad option because you couldn't finish it in that first try.

SivC has applied the fixfic method and has managed to be quite successful,getting featured on Fimfiction and still opening threads on /mlp/ with an acclaimed reception.These are different standards and I am aware that you are aiming for a contest that requires 50k words of length but this is the reaction that I have been thinking about in a cold manner.

I am going truly meta here, I know, but it's what I have noticed in the way that you are posting towards your own work.