Anon 05/17/2020 (Sun) 00:17:17 No.6018 del
and in contrast, TFH comes into the big leagues and achieves its placement in this event.

>Think about this: Most works that are influenced by MLP were just copycats or cameos. This actually bares the mark of FiM in actual influence and style. That's what makes me smile the most.
what´s even better is that the fighting game community (FGC) hasn´t gone all that reluctant as I expected. In fact, they welcome the fact that Smash was removed and see TFH as an advantage for them because this game has the rollback netcode that the community wants to have for their games.

There have articles praising the development behind the game and how this whole process has paid off in such a great manner that they are getting a huge advertisement for their effort:

Not to mention that the FGC was familiar with MLP way back in 2013 when Fighting is Magic appeared in the exhibition lineup so they had a first contact long ago. The stigma is still there but as the explosive hype around the franchise is gone, they are judging the game for what it is and reviewers have admitted that this game is competent enough in order to carry out a tournament of this level.

This proves that image doesn´t matter here. The development team managed to assemble all the required technicalities and a few days after its official release, it has entered in EVO and surprised everyone all of a sudden.

What I have said in my previous posts might sound off topic or too detailed for what it is but it´s a huge twist from the outside. TFH has a lot to gain with this event because it´s going to be its main method to advertise itself and encourage a few newcomers who aren´t familiar with the game to step in and force them to get rid of the "girly" or "cartoonish" stigma while playing it.

So far, I think that mostly everyone has welcomed the change of Smash with TFH (and Skullgirls as well) and all these posts explain why the "infamous autistic image" on the internet (of this fanbase) doesn´t matter at all for this tournament, technicalities and requirements of quality do matter for establishing which game gets in or not in the end.

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