Anon 05/27/2020 (Wed) 23:57:07 No.6122 del
Leaving a proof of life shitpost.

Still, I wanted to leave something for Bridgefag >>6120 [Embed]

>I'd like to make the argument that I think that the Top as gotten worse due ta media fragmentation. Impulses (sex) and music based on what will ring in your head the most based on careful research.
perhaps you are be right about that.

However, always remember how the music industry works. One day you are the most mainstream/coolest thing in the entire world (and for most people, those singles work as background music) and in a couple of years (or even months), people will give you a kick all of a sudden, leaving you behind because the trendy wagon has been totally exploited .Thus, another new toy will replace it instead that will top the charts until the fuel runs out and ends up broken. Either they earn their loyal fans throughout that process by doing something different or they hop onto the next trend in order to stay relevant in those lists.

A few icons are safe of this pattern but for the most part, easy-come, easy-go. Perhaps, I will share a few examples of that (including this recent rediscovery for me).

Sleep well tonight, /endpone/.