Anon 05/30/2020 (Sat) 22:48:50 No.6135 del
>that Fluttershy pic

>I actively despise the music of the beatles. Most covers are good, but the originals make me want to gouge my ears out
well don´t believe that I hold them on a pedestal either (they were kind of a prototype for the future boybands that would come out). However, I should be fair with them and say that their material released from Rubber Soul onwards is what makes them stand out without their hype. Their voices haven´t irked me so far though.

>I have heard of all of them, barring ELO
>The only time I ever listened to on-radio music was when I was going to college in the '90s. So I recognize most grunge bands, songs but not much else.
phew, I swear, I was actually asking myself where you were coming from because if those bands sound unfamiliar, then either it was me who was wrong and thus, I should update myself with the times or you didn´t recognize any of these album covers. Given that you have confirmed me that you are more into singles and stand alone songs, it all makes sense.
After seeing these replies, I have finally felt relieved in that regard because what you have mentioned here is a very familiar territory.

>There was like, one album I've encountered, that felt like it was trying to be a cohesive whole. No idea the cover for it; I think it was by Queensryche but don't quote me on that.
you mean this one?

>there's a Pearl Jam album that doesn't seem to have a name that I feel that way about too (had Animal, possibly Glorified B, I think the artwork was a sheep stuck in a fence).

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