Anon 06/21/2020 (Sun) 23:55:07 No.6261 del
>Celestia is the only one in that story with a limelight on her; the only one who can be 'taken' by said limelight.
I see. So, they mistake the concept of Luna getting corrupted with a term whose definition is only applied for an individual who is in front of the public. Indeed, Celestia would be the only legitimate character to hold that public image at that time (Luna would fit later in the show for that term but not in that video)

>Also you guys are latching on too much to the detail of my example being sinister.
it was mostly because of this sentence:
>but a full fledged conspiracy made obvious by ... that fact the viewer knows how wrong it is
so perhaps the circumstances were unfortunate to be interpreted in the way that you intended. The postcard analogy raises less subtle messages and illustrates better what you were aiming at back then...

>The drama, perhaps, of the dream would be the phone call when said cousin's car broke down while en route to the main character's house and we (I) already know about the job loss but the person taking the phone call does not.
>Dreams in which the point seems to be examining how two different points of view respond to the same datum are not uncommon
this feels like a telepathic episode or a

>I got run over by a semi in a head-on collision on a state-highway and only got one dream out of that.
>Door got ripped off, turned inside out, tossed aside. I woke up with the car on top of me, a little confused about why the sprinkler system was allowed to drizzle raindrops onto my face.

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