Anon 07/21/2020 (Tue) 05:58:23 No.6344 del
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>who guarded a particular bridge
bridge? What a fitting dream.

>Despite the fact I would have no reason to fight against her in the waking world, and also the fact that [how do spoilers work here?]she isn't real[/oh well] my first thought upon slightly waking was *THAT WAS PRINCESS LUNA! I NEARLY MET THE PRINCESS OF THE NIGHT< LUNA!*
I have had this lightly. One of the oddest times was when I saw TS on a bookshelf by the stairs. She hardly did anything but I felt this weird sense of pride of seeing her.

>Still, I'm glad it's inspired you; I'm relistening for similar reasons.
Perhaps I'll give a listen then.

>wish I lived in a simpler era while I await in hope and fear, that America actually _will_ become great again; that we'll stop using our constitution for toilet paper and use it to judge the standing laws of this land, again.
Oof. Know this feel. The problem is that, it feels like the structure is breaking down. Not saying it is but it certain makes one feel insecure.

>Also, I'm buying rice, because the best time to panic-buy, is when there's no panic.
Do you have access to a place where you can garden? Even if you can't grow a lot growing some can help.