Anon 02/14/2018 (Wed) 20:35:06 No.731 del
>wow I can't edit like that. I wonder how you have added the magical light.
It isn't that special, just the lens flare filter in Gimp.

>the metallic filter really helps when you want to avoid something messy in terms of colours and just define her lines.

Believe or not, >>718 and 721 are not the metallic filter but the emboss filter. It was something I wondered how it had turned out looking like that, epespicially in the case of 721. I would've mentioned it but I was posting in a bit of a hurry at the time.

>this one looks like it's not pony related but you could think those are sick lines and this one>>721 gives you a more serious vibe

Yeah, I don't like humans in my pony art either (usually). I really like how the emboss filter works in defining in more simplier artwork. It has looked a bit odd in more complex painted stuff wth texture and all that jazz If I could get more things like the effect of the fast food vector I feel like some fun times could be had with this one.

>and the edited version. By the way,it's one of the lowest rated(5 upvotes)

Our editing may not be able to help with the construction of the pony, messing with a few filters and such really can help. Though honestly this of all things shouldn't be the lowest rated, way way worse exist

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