Anon 03/07/2021 (Sun) 01:39:18 No.7320 del
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>I don´t think that transmitting emotive instrumental music should always be associated with the mental pains of the musician who composes it

Words and images are also part of what an artist presents to the world. And many of the song covers are, themselves out of context haunting.

From Dream No More:
<A dream, I tell myself, yet, if it was just a dream,
<perhaps I should fall and rest forever, peacefully, and dream no more.

It's true, you could just listen to the music. And usually I do, loaded up and playing as I drive my car, or write my 'fic or play vidya.

But so seldom do songwriters take the time to write a poem, or short story to be read as part of the song. It needn't be the thing the artist experienced directly, but they say in writing, "write what you know"
Thus I assume that Radiarc is, indeed, going through some personal issues and letting us see a glimpse through their music.

>I hope that Radiarc doesn't follow Jason´s actions

As I said above, about Unjust, he's been doing this a while. I wouldn't worry directly.

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