Anon 08/08/2021 (Sun) 19:31:26 No.7771 del
Not long ago, I decided to look for a particular artist, who used to go by the name 5ound but decided it was too common. So they changed to ANU. Sort of.

Egyptian-themed letters, they don't show up on your keyboard. But once I found, and copy/pasted the characters to the downloaded files, I saw something strange.

Windows alphabetized anu to be after 'V' for VyletPony or Vinylrawr, and before 'W' for Weak-and-Powerless or Want-It-Need-It.


From Interstellar through Sonny's hope, finishing with a Hangover, have some pony music. Although Interstellar is inspired by some other show as I recall.

It turns out I wasn't "over" that cold -- and when I got sent in for the PCR test it came back positive, so I really did get the covids. At 102, 'F' is for fever. Never delirious just felt like my face was on fire. Then when the aspirin finally would dismantle the fever for the evening I go from shivering and cold to barely-can-breathe too hot, stripped down to underwear.
I'm looking forward to actually enjoying a cup of coffee today.