Anon 11/11/2021 (Thu) 10:17:29 No.7996 del
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>Awkward, is what I'm trying to say. I'll probably just file it away and not go back to clean it up.
>but I've half a mind to start on quasi timeslip where glim-glam sends herself an ever-changing photo album that helps explain why she pursued immortality.
I remain unconvinced that it will be fully cringe and not worth reading with ideas as interesting and fun as this swirling in your head.

I mean, even acclaimed fics like EastHorse do have a lot of OCs and fanfiction trobes that others complain about in newer fics from time to time.
I am talking about Austraeoh.
From what I remember when I tried to read through that monster of a fic.
To be fair, I didn't get very far...