Anon 11/12/2021 (Fri) 10:31:01 No.8005 del
>2021 that makes these dates look far closer than they should because of how isolated this board has remained from everything else.
/endpone/ is nowhere, but nowhere is still somewhere.

>these two icons feel relatively ancient.
They do. I really need to give them, especially Dolores Umbridge, more attention.

>.yet Cadence states that because of the fact that Bridgefag decided to draw her in the first place.
That is /endpone/ in a way.

>Hopefully the next 1000 posts take less time than this but if I have to wait another year for turning such achievement into a reality, I guess that we will have to reach the 5 digits in 2023 at this rate.

>Hopefully the next 1000 posts take less time than this
I think we can do it.

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