Anon 11/11/2022 (Fri) 10:39 No.8474 del
>Some mad scientist nabs the guard, and rips off his hide to replace it with a proditor's skin
Sounds painful.

>a changeling's eyes (after which our ersatz overlord discovered the glow does NOT impart darkvision or, indeed anything other than an unavoidable telltale of where the creature is standing in an unlit cave)
I like this detail.

>and a horn from a stillborn unicorn fetus (this worked; the subject learned basic levitation and illumination spells).

>Maybe I could work up his re-intigrating with life story. That could be fun. He can still fly, but the scars hurt in the cold air.
I say go for it. If you can't meet NaNoWriMo than either do a reduced goal or just do a test for fun and see where it goes.

>"fhtng th§ ¿nsp§kb"
>is a tag. I guess that's the name of Oleander's pet, which seems to be a spider/SCP-1471 cross.
I always found Olender's pet a little creepy for me. Not 100% sure why but a get a vibe off him even if I am sure that is intended for him to be creepy.

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