Anon 12/02/2022 (Fri) 10:42 No.8485 del
Didn't have a big gathering this year though, ever since the matriarch and patriarch of my family declined and passed, haven't been to areal big one in awhile. It was good though, had turkey, dressing, and most of the normal fixings that one would expect. I can't complain. As normal, I also sat out on Black Friday as well.

>And I've sworn off alcohol so I've been relatively healthy this week.
Glad you are in health.

>Still got not enough rest, trying to prepare everything for the coming rains.
This is me. Been dealing with lots of rain, which is fine overall due to a bad drought, but when you have decaying family properties with buidlings in disrepair it can be a hassle.

Sleep has been worse for me unfortunately, not 100% sure why but things have been thrown off since Thanksgiving.

>And today it's been snowing. Looks pretty for a short time, then it just looks muddy, cold, and wet.
Something I certainly would savor.

I hope things good well for during the rain!

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