Anon 04/17/2023 (Mon) 09:12 No.8626 del
(3.11 MB 1920x1080 JojoinTNG.webm)
It is a Jojo's bizzar adventure reference. I am not enough of a weeb to explain it exactly. This seemed to explain it the best:

It became a tag because many interpenetrated a scene from TNG as having a Jojo reference. WhatPrecisely.jpg is from a popular reanimation of that scene and boy, do I wish TNG could've been animated in something like that style, as weebish as that wish maybe.

>The situation has gone on a bit longer than I expected and I still might have some bumpy roads ahead.
It seems like you are constantly running on things held together by duct tape and chewing gum. What is the infrastructure and resources you have like where you end up with a intermittent to non-existent internet and resorting to Netbooks as your primary computer?