Anon 04/30/2023 (Sun) 06:57 No.8634 del
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>Do any of you know what a RAID-50 array is?
Yes. One of those arcane hybrids RAIDS I would never ever touch though.

>Returning to the current Epyc build, I decided after getting non-GPU passthrough to work, and wishing I could have more than one virtual machine running across my thirty-two vCPUs,
A understandable wish. I mean, if I can have two VMs running at once, albeit tiny ones, on a core duo laptop from 2008, at that point one ought to put those cores to use!

Much difficulties getting the 300w to be not only available but believably (by the card) available (I'm using a single sata-power line for the 150w plug. It's "officially" rated for 54w but is pretty stout, can probably pass more. But still...) and then other troubles, such as getting keyboard/mouse to pass over to the matching video output.
And this is where I start to wince in pain. Though I can't say I have ever put together a system of that complexity, from putting together strange and janky set ups from scrap computers I can certainly relate to the efforts of tinkering a system...

>Oh, the windows were still there, but the window manager had become completely unresponsive,
..and when one crashes and burns.

>Hard powerdown, and after some time for it to cool, I booted a recsucesystem to examine my Linux half. And it was a mess. Thousands of inodes, links, with every error I've ever encountered, and after that, hundreds (maybe thousands, I gave up after a while) of files with inodes that, according to fsck, were being argued over by sometime half a dozen other files in far-reaching sections of the filesystem.
>and the xterm window insisted /bin/ls was not actually a file, but only a figment of my fevered typing.
Have been in this seat before. Plenty of times.

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