Anon 05/21/2023 (Sun) 08:50 No.8652 del
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>What is most interesting on all this AI crap is that, we, as a fandom, were messing with it just before it was mainstream.
And arguably helped get it there. was at a level of mainstream knowledge or just almost to that, with the FiM and /mlp/ connection being a little more obscurer. I did see discussion of it in places like hackernews, forums, etc and in the few viral videos I watched featuring I saw some expressing surprise at that connection and some commenters recognizing the voices of the mane 6 in a Darth Vadar Esque "I sense a presence, one I haven't felt sense..." Not sure the state of things now with all the new tools I'll have to check.

>It seems like pony is often ahead, foundational, or at the very least early adapters to a lot of stuff but I don't see it recognized much from outsiders.
A mystery I am still trying to figure out myself sometimes. I think cringe at said "brony phase", a degree of cultural isolation and just the way social media often works with the HYPE! and then forgotten completely soon after all play a part but don't explain the whole. Like, I have peeked around sometimes and seen complaints of autistic deep dives or otherwise complete histories of web not mentioning us when we were active and directly played a roll in the topic at hand (A history of Internet fandom) or only getting a tiny footnote. I don't claim persecution or conspiracy but it does feel like there is just a memory hole around us sometimes.