Anon 07/13/2023 (Thu) 07:07 No.8716 del
>How much worse could your battle station be than a Netbook though? Do you have scrap computers that are worse than that?
The computer that I had this whole sensitive process going on was a beat up Dell Optiplex 320 with a a dead ram slot and a couple of dead USB ports, among a few other issues (it is also using a USB as it's boot drive, no not a live distro, full install, I'll explain that better some other time).

>Cardboard PC case?
Not that bad. Closest thing being some laptops that I have had that had a tendency to get too hot I would make homemade cardboard stands (including the one right now I am typing on).

>And the complexity of that set up. I am nit quite a "just werks" kind of guy but I don't think I would have the patience for that.
tbh, I am not sure if I would be either, but if I had a epyc I just might try it; that many cores deserve to be toyed and tinkered with!