Anon 09/24/2023 (Sun) 02:05 No.8791 del
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>The Denali Star train from Anchorage to Fairbanks was long, and after about half the day the scenery does sort of all look the same - low flat ground covered in scrub-brush that's turning colors at this time. So, pretty, but in a way pretty boring too.
I'll take boring over horrible. Glad though the trip wasn't too bad overall.

>But every attempt to rent a car was mired in, if not misery at least frustration.
>Lesson learned: never attempt to rent a car from the airport itself.
Family, particularly my father, would always rent cars from the airport rental place. It sounds like though you are talking about the airport rather than a commercial business there.

>Went part-way into Denali, but when I mentioned to a coworker wanting to see the Arctic Circle she replied, eyes wide (having lived there a decade, she'd just finished saying) "The Dalton highway is terifying!
I had a friend from Alaska once while I was a kid. She had some interesting stories to tell. (Though I suppose of the usual Alaska fair, bears in back yard, etc). I imagine your coworker might have had some "fun" there as well.

Oh, and it is now fall/autumn, so happy new season everypony! (though in a lot of Texas it still feels a lot like summer).