Anon Board owner 09/29/2023 (Fri) 06:50 No.8810 del
(22.86 KB 486x332 EndponeBackInTop15.png)
Woah woah woah, I am sick a few days and I see ADMIN and /pone/ back on the frontpage (not a hard feat I know, but less often with the level of activity of other boards).

>There was another mlp board too, with some traffic. Probably same dudes.
If you are willing to bring some life into it and gets some people to post, you could claim the board.
/mlp/ I had claimed that board being a testbed/me just monitoring just because. Though I admit, outside of one project I haven't really done much more than check for spam there and test random CSS. I remember it being a point that passive boards weren't against the rules but I haven't checked stuff out much outside of /endpone/ in awhile.

I have always suspected it as well that one of them was.

Though, come to think of it, that the period attention we have gotten in the in the past was probably triggered by the fact we were on endchan and active in it's great low point, thus on their radar. Becoming part of this mess is just a side effect that can happen from high enough radioactive dosage.