Anon 09/29/2023 (Fri) 21:07 No.8817 del
> I have always suspected it as well that one of them was.

you bet! They happen to lurk over here in their free time. They just don´t dare to recognize it. The stage of denial always happens. These kids will never learn...

>we have gotten in the in the past was probably triggered by the fact we were on endchan and active in it's great low point, thus on their radar.

And that´s why we praise Odilitime so much, kids. Honorary brony doing favours for reaching the top of the ranking on the board list!


> Hence why some are confused when we refer to BO in found memories in past tense.
They don´t know about /endpone/´s lore. They haven´t dared to go that deep in the meta iceberg of this board.

More historians and less moderation. If we relied on moderation, Bridgefag would spend the same amount of years as Celestia´s age before banning someone around here. That or using the spammers as the alarm clock.

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