Anon 01/06/2024 (Sat) 01:58 No.9222 del
About - folder name="The Comments of Eurobeat Brony's early remixes from Bandpuffs' channel"
I still have those 17 files from 2022-09 in z0 (zpool z0 CAP=97%, should be at most 95% instead). I saw those screenshots in a folder with other files which weren't from that folder, so I sftp'd them and stuff to make a folder which matches to that Mega folder. (not mine) = offline at ipfs://QmQCFT3GZSC4bz6SVePT5FTKv4j729VKGZMeAQnw8wtR5N - which is:
>ipfs ls QmQCFT3GZSC4bz6SVePT5FTKv4j729VKGZMeAQnw8wtR5N
>QmR3NpJi4tTtyhdJj46T3nbXXhA5i4rn9xQcqy4JEc5KXt 631169 Art of the Dress (Euro Fashion Mix) - Preview.png
>QmNUinQRp5rKbuRF9ysEy1nDqBfqKLr3jL5HHV5epBWeCF 245618874 Super Ponybeat - Art of the Dress (Complete).png
>QmYeVjUYCBDuC89KunnAkzsrnpQf6mJBXcUE2NgBfrjo9R 145152522 Super Ponybeat - Cupcakes.png
>QmWmVnpTXkhTu3rjcqJv9vCzECkvdV3wwtSocxVLKGQnT3 691216 Super Ponybeat Vol. 2 - Diamond Dogs (preview).png
>$ ipfs ls QmQCFT3GZSC4bz6SVePT5FTKv4j729VKGZMeAQnw8wtR5N | wc -l # output=17

Why did that runtime become mostly useless (not enough memory)? I symlinked some folders instead of files, and that was part of the reason why.

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