Anon 01/17/2024 (Wed) 03:30 No.9370 del
(167.78 KB 408x600 rope.png)
>rope debate
This hinges on if rope is a catch all category for smaller bands, strings and other things woven into a stronger bound or if a silk, string, threads, etc, might be separate categories from rope. If spider's silk is not a fabric does that mean it is a rope?

Glancing around different definitions:
>(a piece of) strong, thick string made of long twisted threads: A sailor threw a rope ashore and we tied the boat to a post. a coil of rope
>: a large stout cord of strands of fibers or wire twisted or braided together

>: b a long slender strip of material used as rope

>: a row or string consisting of things united by or as if by braiding, twining, or threading

It seems like rope itself might be a type of string depending on whom you ask.