Anon 02/02/2024 (Fri) 22:13 No.9490 del
(244.15 KB 854x724 TheMeme.png)
(75.85 KB 1079x1060 EatMe.jpg)
>Sex with IRL horses is scary.
Generally non-horse people find horses, at all, to be scary.
In order to be big enough to carry you around, they need to be five times your size. Not even that, five times as much mass as you plus your saddle plus anything you want to hang off the saddle like a water bottle or some lunch provisions.
Combine that with how horses are all bone and muscle, and react / move as fast as any cat, and as open-plains prey animals they have a completely incomprehensible set of desires and expectations as well as incompatible communication (mostly non-verbal).

Having said all that, the power of the meme probably persists for very good reasons.