Anon 02/06/2024 (Tue) 03:30 No.9524 del
Akinator now has a mode where it tries to guess the object that you're thinking of (other modes are character and animals for a total of 3 modes). Object mode failed and I was not impressed. Maybe chatgpt would be better at this guess game. Akinator gave up on question ~80. I tried to get it to guess Twilicane (The Twilight Sparkle Scepter); results:
. -> other link(s)
.. (A) A guy who gambles on everything \ A smart guy who answers randomly
.. (B) SCP-055 \ SCP Foundation
.. (A) got (A) again

> On a another note, I was looking for ZekeRoa's contact and I found this
> Looks like a mirror is being worked on, anyone knew about this?
> First save was Mar 09, 2023
Text on that page: "Future home of the Ponybro image board archive". I think that's the same thing this one anon was posting about in fan site alternative thread in /mlp/. He wanted to mirror various MLP-related imageboards, inspired by how various 4chan archive websites mirror boards, I guess.