Anon 02/10/2024 (Sat) 01:27 No.9557 del
>Friendship magic
>@pattonoswalt The design of the pony of your daughter is lovely.
>1 hour before the episode and everyone in the fandom is already making fanarts of her. #MLP #MLPS9
>[|-|]epeBecT[N] TB[N]T
>10:43 [|=||-|] - 4 Ma[R] 2019 r. - Twitter Web Client
>2 OTMeT[KN] <<HpaB[N]TC[R]>>

Here's a start - it works (saves the raw webpage and stuff):
$ cd $HOME/Documents/
$ ipfs daemon & disown
$ url=""
$ urlsafe=$(echo "$url" | sed "s/:\|\/\|?\|=\|&\|(\|)\|,\|+\|'\|*\|%\|#/-/g") # what about ! and $ ?
$ echo "$url" > "$urlsafe.txt"
$ lynx -source "$url" > "$urlsafe.htm"
$ ipfs add -rHQ . > "../$urlsafe.cid"; mv -n "../$urlsafe.cid" .
$ cat "$urlsafe.cid" | sed "s/^/ipfs:\/\//g"; ipfs dht provide $(cat "$urlsafe.cid")
$ # 
todo: make it into a shell script; make it use the w3s api or send files and commands over ssh; make it work with PHP + Apache HTTP server; also save a WARC of it; make it move files+folders around so less manual work is needed.