Anon 02/25/2024 (Sun) 02:08 No.9633 del
(885.31 KB 5484x5000 twibooru-66131.png)
>[Endchan /pone/ thread JSON,] how I hope it works: only changes are addition of text at the end, so the first 500 kilobytes of it never changes, for example.
First 256K block of JSON a while ago:
ipfs://QmeMqMeYBerBUtHws5Lgz4pAnvQMiJiJ6ndbv3ohh7fcJy in ipfs://QmbATGaH1Jfq12bmfxqs9yPetpMbvdFnF82J9GC746C5Pa

First 256K block of JSON, minutes before this post:
ipfs://QmeMqMeYBerBUtHws5Lgz4pAnvQMiJiJ6ndbv3ohh7fcJy in ipfs://QmWJ5k6bL6qVjeDdiH8ipGXt34xKhqggr6Hdk1rpnmdAMC

Cool, so it is deterministic in that way. Other blocks I compared: looks like the only changes to the .json are adding bytes to the very end.

Yeah, I wasn't looking closely. Here's a more obvious expression of those visuals.