Anon 02/29/2024 (Thu) 09:34 No.9684 del
(298.39 KB 1800x1350 LeapYearfromFlutterluv.jpg)
(110.60 KB 1195x547 www_derpibooru.jpg)
(123.78 KB 1186x560 www_trixiebooru.jpg)

Today is the last day one can visit and as separate domains over redirects. Truly a sad loss that will impact millions of people (lol). Sarcasm aside, I still like to note and document even small changes like this. Something small to me could still be big to something else and sometimes these details can still be important to timelines and the kind of thing that no one took a record of.

Noting, 80% of the time I BO post, it is a accident.

Very much this. I feel like a lot of the non-english ponynet is very poorly covered by archival in general but such a thing here might be a greater emergency than at first glace. If I had a more coherent internet and a better put together life, I'd probably have spent the a lot of the first couple of months of the Ukraine war doing that.