Anon 03/11/2024 (Mon) 07:10 No.9809 del
(65.41 KB 640x360 A_Choice.jpg)
>Excellent taste - but I am biased, as these are my two favourite too.
Wow, neat, I find some admirers of it but seems more of a secondary interest to most.

>I love skylights and big open-view windows, they feel immensely contemplative. When I'm near one on a sunny day with a vibrant blue sky and clouds floating majestically by, I find I want to be quiet, in a sort of reverent manner. If I had the words I'd encapsulate the feeling it gives me, but whatever it is, it's perfectly placed here.
Are you me!? Gosh, I am not sure what to say other than I get that very well. Some of my most haunting memories with early fandom G4 was in my mother's old secondary room where I would just stand at the window and stair out while passively thinking on pony stuff (not the only thing subject and my mind would often drift).

>I should have put those first two images with this post... but ah well, it's all kind of a run-on thing anyways. And I haven't even gotten into the second part yet - I watched it all in one go but didn't take any screenshots for part 2.
For me, my posts are often bookends snuck inbetween busy times and can come out a little rough (see above) so it isn't a big deal. If you didn't post any pictures ever it wouldn't matter.

> The fact that these events are a catalyst for everything that comes afterward makes the first episode feel more like a glimpse into a before-time, a different era before eventually the world got so shaken up by everything that came after it, and that in itself is enticing.
I can get that appeal. It is a glimpse to a world that is simpler and comfier than even Season 1 (or at least, could be argued). One with simple and mundane adventures and a lot of slice of life.

>it’s all the stuff I missed or didn’t remember as clearly that becomes much more interesting.
Know this feeling, with FiM and otherwise.

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