Anon 03/18/2024 (Mon) 08:55 No.9879 del
>(like the chase sequence, didn't recall seeing that).
Ah yes, with the Benny Hill music. Might be the first reference in the show? I could see it endearing adult viewers a bit on their first time through.
> I believe there was a filter back in 2018
I thought I saw a more recent reference Sunset Shimmer that autocorrected it. Well, I just said her name so we'll see, I suppose.
> I just think nopony here has ever shown a interest much. I have largely been neutral on them
I have to confess... I really loved EQG. The barebones structure is basically an average high school anime, and then it's got the show's energy injected into it. I've seen shows in the same vein but I still think by comparison that EQG manages to retain something uniquely pony. Anyways, if it's allowed I'll tentatively post a Sunny, though I'll be careful to keep it to pony-Sunny.
>Some of that process I think was natural and would simply happen with time regardless of how the show was run but other things did hurt the comfy a bit (which I may go into later).
Ultimately I think where they missed the bus was after completing the Mane 6's arcs (debatable where their arcs end but I'd definitely say at least a season or two before the finale) to then wrap it up and switch to a spin-off, which is what they've sort of half-heartedly done with gen 5. The issue with what Faust did for the franchise is that it's much harder to repeat now that she's already done a lot of what works and rehashing it wouldn't get many folks on board. I was trying to think how I'd even follow it up in Hasbro's shoes and frankly a lot of what I concluded basically HAD to be done was what they put in gen 5.
>I do wonder how such an enchantment works, how long it lasts
The implication in the episode is that the enchantment lasts until the Gala I think, but if we don't see them hover later in the series then there's not a real way to know. Mind you, if Celestia enchanted them then I could easily see it being permanent. In The Wheel of Time series, enchantments or longer lasting spells are made by 'tying off' a weave (a weave is the shape you make with your magic to cast a particular spell) and that's kind of how I'd imagine it working here. Honestly I find it easier to imagine unicorns working with WoT-style weaves generally, their horns and magic feel like it'd be an intuitive extra limb of their body, moreso than doing incantations in your head.
>Though I can muster a bit of annoyance on the Lego Movie as a Bionicle kid just from how insignificant the cameo was for it.
The Bionicle Movie's even better than the Clutch Powers one tbh. Basically Lego should be about what the toys are intending to depict when it comes to official adaptations, in my mind. When kids make up their own stories with Lego that's not Lego-related as much as playing with Transformers or indeed Ponies, rather Lego is so versatile that it's more like Lego is the medium rather than the story being made up.
>Technical definition versus intent (though I honestly lean towards G1 Twilight being Twilight Sparkle, because I tend to favor artistic intent).

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