Anon 03/18/2024 (Mon) 14:59 No.9884 del
(92.50 KB 600x470 myuponey.jpg)
>What am I doing wrong here?
Messed up due to endianness. example:
>File modification time 0x7d1c = 0111110100011100
>second = 01111101000(11100) = 28 = 56 seconds [Bits 00-04]
>minute = 01111(101000)11100 = 40 [Bits 05-10]
>hour = (01111)10100011100 = 15 [Bits 11-15]
>File modification date 0x354b = 0011010101001011
>day = 00110101010(01011) = 11 [Bits 00-04]
>month = 0011010(1010)01011 = 10 [Bits 05-08]
>year = (0011010)101001011 = 26 [Bits 09-15]

So, normal byte order on hex, "reverse" on binary:
>$ echo bd92 | xxd -p -r - | xxd -b -
>00000000: 10111101 10010010

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