#JVih97 10/05/2019 (Sat) 18:11:43 No.10201 del
Ghost bake; baker #1 resumes
>>10003 Q Drop #2230 and 13:35 timestamp
>>10004 10% of the total content on this board has happened within the last 24 hours
>>10008 Working anon or non-anon (pick one, not both)
>>10054 Tlaib: How can we arrest Trump officials?
>>10085 Anti-Trump whistleblower concealed contacts with House democrats from IG
>>10086 See promiseskept.com for POTUS' accomplishments to date
>>10089 Second Trump-Ukraine whistleblower complaint?
>>10090 US aid to Ukraine was contingent on 2016 election probe, GOP senator says US diplomat told him
>>10092, >>10112, >>10115 Pelosi "welcomed" by Trump supporters in Greenville, SC
>>10093 GOP Senator: AZ foster kids are being sold into sexual slavery
>>10095 Pelosi tweet: She's losin' it folks....
>>10107, >>10125 Trump admin seeks info on sex trafficking in foster care system
>>10118 Obama deported muslims in 2016
>>10120 House Dems target VP's office in impeachment push
>>10131, >>10183 Ukraine, Deep State, Mitt Romney el al; Swamp in Deep Panic

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